Everything went well & we arrived home more or less on schedule. The flight out of London had a short delay but it was heartening to arrive back in Toulouse to warmth & sunshine & a smiling Theo waiting for us. We dumped our bags & made sure that we had hot water etc. & then walked down to Theo & Marietta’s for an apèro & a bite to eat.
We came home & were in bed by 22h30 & both went to sleep straight away. Doug continued in this mode until well into today but I woke up about 1am & had several hours awake. Normally during a long holiday I wake up during the night at least once thinking ‘where am I? but that didn’t happen in the States. However, it happened last night & I had no idea where I was. I remember looking at the bedroom door, thinking how strange that we had gone to sleep leaving a hotel room door open so I carefully shut it. I then struggled to find the bathroom & any light switches & when I did eventually illuminate things was mightily impressed that there was a bidet too! Then I think that I woke up & realised where I was so could open the bedroom door again.
One other bit of excitment today was when I went to hang out some washing, I suspected that we had some bees swarming & settling behind the shutters in the barn. This has happened once before when we have been away. Luckily this time we caught it early & even luckier was that Bernard the local beekeeper was at home. He came round straight away with a mini hive & all his equipment. Apparently the knack is to recover the queen bee & all the workers will follow. He spent a couple of hours persuading them to enter his hive & then he came back several hours later & is reasonably confident that it has been a successful operation so he has taken them away & is a happy beekeeper with a new swarm.
We are just about unpacked & the washing is done, just the ironing to tackle now. We have no food to speak of but the freezer threw out something tonight to sustain us & tomorrow is a another day.
It has been a great holiday & once again we are grateful to our travel company, Audley, for their skill & expertise.