Natchez to New Orleans Tuesday

Our lazy afternoon outside was cut a bit short by an almighty thunderstorm which forced us indoors. We have been on the edge of a weather front for a few days now & have had storms & heavy rain. Most of the time we have been indoors so have not been directly affected. Yesterday the temperature plummeted to the mid 60’s however by the time we went over for something to eat, the rain had stopped & the sun was shining again. We had a relatively early night in preparation for our last drive down to New Orleans. All was going well until we were woken by another thunderstorm together with an alarm sounding on my phone warning us of flash flooding in the area. There was torrential rain but we didn’t think that we were in any danger of being flooded out. I did, however, work out a contingency plan in my head before going back to sleep.

This morning it was evident that there had been a lot of rain together with debris from the trees etc. however, after breakfast we packed up & set off South & then East for New Orleans. We made the journey easily enough on relatively quiet roads. Some of the rivers that we drove over were raging torrents but the roads were debris-free. I drove the majority of the way & Doug took over the last part. We headed for the airport to drop off the car & then head downtown via a taxi.  We have driven about 1446 miles (2310 kms) in total over last 3 weeks travelling from Chigago to New Orleans. Again today’s bit was a very easy process & we got into the hotel at about 2pm. It seems that Texas has not got off so lightly with people missing in flood waters.

It is our wedding anniversary today & we have just come back to our room to find a bottle of champagne on ice together with some chocolates. Love & thanks to those of you who knew & have sent anniversary wishes. We are going out for a nice meal tonight (concierge recommended), 34 years needs celebrating!