New Orleans Wednesday 

We had a lovely evening at the restaurant & came back to follow it with a good night’s sleep. Doug has been suffering a bit with a sore throat & because he can’t afford to let it worsen we decided to seek medical help. On the advice of a pharmacist we went to a drop-in medical centre several blocks away. They were very efficient as well as friendly & half an hour later after having seen a doctor we came out armed with a prescription. 

We were due to do a walking tour at 1pm but the rain arrived along with strong winds, not very conducive to walking around. In addition, it is very warm & as soon as you don rainwear you begin to melt. A phone call later & I have managed to postpone the tour until tomorrow, when the forecast is better. 

So, this afternoon it looks like the dreaded shopping mall!! There is one down by the river which affords splendid views of the Mississippi apparently. I am quite curious about the shopping that will be available since our brief walk through town yesterday, revealed nothing more than tourist/voodoo tat. I am on the lookout for some jeans & this will be my last chance. We haven’t hit the shops anywhere during the whole trip—too busy doing things cultural!!