Well we were wondering how they’d fill in the hole & now we see!
And you can’t miss the crane as you arrive from the north (St Antonin Noble Val)
Up & Down.
Well the weather is not being kind, with freezing temperatures every night for the past 3 weeks & forecast to continue for another week. At the moment no-one is panicking about the time lost, but….
Firstly the “down” part. We’ve been wondering how they were going to block the cave entrance, but have a look at the huge rocks delivered to site & due to be dropped in next week. They should do the job.
And you can’t miss the crane which has now been assembled & used. As you come into the village from St. Antonin it looks to be taller than the church spire. Will try to take that picture on a clear day, but in the meantime here’s a couple of pictures.
At Last…
At last, looking at the sunset tonight, it looks like it might be about to thaw and we can start again. 2 weeks of snow on the ground is pretty unusual for us, but as we’re at the concreting part with big cement mixer wagons coming & going we still need the night time temperatures to get above freezing.
There’s a saying “Béton en hiver, maison misère”, & clearly we want to avoid that!
Anyway, what a glorious sunset.
Snow Stops Play
Well, in cricket parlance snow stops play in Vaour.
This did once happen in a county game at Buxton at the start of the season, & now it’s happened here. Snow in the evening, sunshine & melting snow & then the same again. The mornings are lovely, but it’s freezing cold.
It’s just as well, as the massive grue/crane on site needs 3 phase electricity & EDF/Enedis are about as efficient as I’m led to believe are BT these days. A week on & we’re still on the roundabout, reporting our story to someone different, each working from home, promising that it’s now sorted & then lo & behold, off we go again. Looking at the forecast we can’t see there being much progress next week either.
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Crane arrival
Hi all, this is my 1st publication so here goes. We haven’t posted anything lately but Wednesday the crane arrived on site. It’s huge but won’t be operational until 3- phase electricity is installed. Fingers crossed this won’t take too long. I spent a ‘happy’ afternoon yesterday discussing our requirement with the electricity supplier. No mean feat I should mention!! This week should see our (unwanted) cave closed off, thus enabling the ground to be levelled in the vicinity. Then it will be all systems go!!
So here are the latest photos.