An authentic blues night!!
We finally made it to BB Kings Blues Bar tonight, at a very useful time, to be given the best table in the house, on the balcony overlooking the stage. I had my first grits of the holiday, and they were great. Grits and shrimps, a delicacy.
And tonight, playing were the BB King All Stars, the house band. A real mix of blues and funk, with a trumpet, a sax, base and lead guitars, drummer, organist and vocalist. They were brilliant, and in their second session, they had a guest base guitarist and guest drummer jamming, who clearly were special, and well known to the locals. What was great was that, whilst there were tourists, there were also over 50% locals, there for the music. And what music. It was stunning.
And tomorrow we’re heading off to Clarksdale, somewhere I read about as the true home of the blues. It’s a very small town in Mississippi, with very few hotels and restaurants, and we’re staying in a flat above the old Woolworths shop. But apparently, there’s an amazing blues club. Should be interesting!
Photos to follow!