Final Day ( continued )

Having spent a week chilling out on our terrace, I decided that it was time to do something different. And so I hung out in a hammock, and what a different perspective you get.


And I went in the sea, but not for long. Much warmer than Scarborough, but the waves and the back pull were too strong for my swimming style ( using the word ” style” very loosely )
It’s been a lovely rest, but we ‘re looking forward to seeing Mumbai, and then a lot more of India.
Tomorrow we’ll be on the boat, and will resume normal service in a couple of days.

A Very Different Christmas.

When we’ve been away for Christmas before, even in non Christian countries, you’ve always known that it was Christmas. Not here. We hear the sound of the call to prayer at the mosque, and the singing from the Hindu temples every day, & I thought that I heard hymns on Christmas Day, from a church. But Kerala, or at least this part, is clearly 50/50 Hindu & Muslim. Apparently Kerala has a democratically elected communist government– now there’s an oxymoron!

We decided to go and buy our replacement bag today, and the Hermitage organised a car and driver for us. When we arrived in shorts, it was suggested that Lou went and covered up!! Below knee length shorts were not recommended, and we could see why when we went out. We were surprised at the numbers of women completely covered up in black. The Hindus were welcoming, but the glares from the others was surprising. We saw a similar thing in Malaysia– the creeping “arabisation” of Muslims.

Nevertheless, a successful trip, and very interesting. The replacement bag was £11. When we arrived, we were astonished at the driving. On a scale of 1 to 10, with say British drivers at 9, India would be at 2 and French drivers now at 7!! Until we came here we thought that the French were terrible!
We’ve seen the light! Although we are now beginning to see some of the unwritten rules. The horn–1 toot means I’m here, 2 means I’m passing, 3– well? The cars seem to be so underpowered that no-one is going too fast, the phut- phuts are beautiful and everywhere and the roads so bad that again it’s all very slow.

With shorts frowned upon, Lou’s having the tailor here knock up another dress, as you do. At these prices, I understand why.

Amazingly, so far Lou hasn’t hijacked the yoga classes, but it won’t be long now I suspect. And perhaps a cookery class, because time is slipping by! Otherwise it’s just such a perfect climate– warm, balmy days and evenings, with dinner on the beach every night. We’ll see the difference when we move on I guess, as we move northwards.


Good Night.

As I said to Lou when we were getting married — it will be many things, but it will never be boring!
Having been foiled in my brave attempt to burn down our beach chalet, I’ll have to try something else. Mind you, if all of the info concerning my Ayerverdic treatments is anywhere near true, I should be able to fly by Boxing Day.
Going out to buy a new bag will be interesting, & apologies to Chris & Joan, but the only other thing damaged was their money belt, which thankfully was empty! Will try to find a replacement.
And Indian wines are pretty good ( thank goodness). Might try Indian champagne tomorrow, ‘cos like the French, we’ll be celebrating tomorrow evening with a dinner on the beach.
A demain!

Departure Day

Raining & miserable. Xmas market in Vaour —-said all our goodbyes.
Had pizza with Martyn & Anne.
Leaving for Toulouse tonight for early flight tomorrow—Theo our chauffeur.
