Final Day In Paradise

This is our last full day here in the Retreat. We have walked around taking lots of photos so we will have something to remember it by—along with the delicious food, relaxing treatments & general peace & tranquility.
This morning I went for a long swim instead of yoga & had the pool entirely to myself. 25 lengths later I was ready for breakfast!
Doug ventured into the sea yesterday–revelling in the breakers & benefiting from another kind of massage. He has his last treatment today & I am going to indulge in a manicure & pedicure. The tailor is working furiously to finish our order, he has promised that all will be done by 7h30 tonight. I suspect he doesn’t get much sleep.
Our laundry came back perfectly washed & pressed & today I will have to start packing.
Tomorrow we move onto the boat to explore the backwaters. & we will sleep there too, we are really looking forward to that adventure.





Friday 27/12

We’ve been having a bit of wifi trouble but at the moment it is working again. When we saw the telecoms network poles etc. yesterday, it is really surprising that it works at all. Here we are though, another perfect day. I have been to yoga & Doug is currently having another treatment. He will be back soon & then we will totter off for lunch facing the sea. We intend to walk along the beach at sometime but will probably wait until it is a bit cooler.
Doug has an appointment to collect his shorts from the tailor later this afternoon, my dress should be ready tomorrow. I am currently waiting for the return of our first batch of things that we sent to the laundry. I’m hoping that they come back intact.
Lunch beckons!

Boxing Day

We had a lovely day yesterday, in fact hard to believe it was Xmas. Not a bit of tinsel, turkey or carol anywhere. I had a fabulous treatment which finished with a slow flow of oil onto my forehead. It was soooo soothing & relaxing—the rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur.
Doug now has a new shirt that the tailor has run up for him. It is a perfect copy of one of Doug’s oldest but much loved shirts. A wonderful job at a very reasonable price. The tailor is currently working on some shorts which will be ready tomorrow.
We are going out this afternoon to buy a replacement bag–here’s hoping.
The photo is of Doug in restful pose!


Merry Christmas

Christmas greetings to one & all. We had a fabulous night with dinner on the beach. The meal was scrummy & we had music provided by local musicians. It is the first time we have seen a fiddle player sitting cross legged on the floor holding the fiddle with his toes!
We were though saddened to hear that Gill’s Mum has died—she was a sparky & brave lady & we will miss her & her love of life. However we did smile last night when a shooting star passed overhead & we both thought that it was Eddy saying goodbye.

I have breakfasted alone this morning, Doug not eager to quit his bed but no doubt he will rouse himself in time for his next treatment at midday. Another peaceful day ahead.


Christmas Eve

Another glorious day here in paradise. Another yoga session this morning with the sound of the sea lapping nearby. We have had our Xmas eve menu delivered this morning & I thought that you might like to see it. Until tonight we will pass the day with more treatments, swimming, discussing tailoring requirements & generally chilling out. Till later.
