Pool is huge, must be 10x20m. It is in a fantastic spot & the watermelon juice on offer is Doug’s idea of heaven.
We have met the resident tailor & I can see shorts & shirt being ordered for D. Pashminas look good too.
Off to dinner on the beach quite soon. It’s a great life.
Exciting morning
I tried the yoga this morning—-getting up at 7h30 for an 8h00 class. It was very gentle & not too demanding, always interesting to see another teacher at work.
We had a leisurely breakfast by the sea & meandered through the morning until it was time for our 2nd round of treatments at midday. We noticed a smell in our room as we were leaving but thought that the gardeners were burning the stuff that they had collected during the morning. Not so!!! Our suitcases were on top of the wardrobe (tall husbands have their uses) & the
small hand luggage bag had dislodged a light fitting & was slowly smouldering. Luckily the cleaner came in as we left & realised what was happening. Net result—bag ruined but thatched roof & room still intact. How lucky is that. Shopping trip to be organised to find a replacement.
The treatments were much needed by that stage—& we have both calmed down again. Now just relaxing after lunch–a bit of reading perhaps a snooze & then a swim.
Birthday treats
Thank you
I forgot to thanks for all the messages for my birthday & all the presents that I opened just before leaving home. It almost makes being 65 worthwhile!! But on the whole would prefer 45.