Another fabulous day as far as the weather is concerned—bright blue skies,warm & sunny. We had breakfast in the hotel today & it was delicious, the best so far. We actually had fruit, yoghurt & granola together with coffee that tasted good, a rare treat.
After that we negotiated the subway again & got ourselves downtown to Ground Zero & the memorial to the victims of 9/11. After the towers had been removed they have used the vast holes in the ground to create waterfalls. So if you can imagine a huge deep square with water cascading down each side. The water then continues down a deeper central square well to disappear from view. Around each side of the square are metal panels with all the names of those who died. These are very easily seen & can be touched too. It is really a most impressive memorial, simply done but very effective. Some photos of the buildings & memorial to follow.
We then used the subway to go to Greenwich village taking in Washington Sq & Union Sq before heading back to pack ready for leaving tomorrow. There is a photo of the archway in Washington Sq.
Tonight we are going on a river cruise/dinner–more of that later.