Nashville Sun evening

Doug availed of a deep massage this afternoon & was advised to do regular stretching exercises. Apparently she agreed that he was a bad advert for someone married to a yoga teacher!

Tonight we walked down to BB King’s Blues Bar (he died last week) where there was music playing & food available. There was, of course the inevitable tribute to the man himself during the session. It is becoming obvious that the food is pretty standard fare wherever you go, involving deep frying, chilli sauce & beef. I had pasta tonight, a rare treat. The portions are big & so are the people, hardly surprising. We bought a Tshirt for Doug this afternoon in size L, unheard of in Europe where he is always at least XL. Other than NY & the shopping mall yesterday, we haven’t really seen any shops in the cities. Doug is delighted of course but I am on the lookout for some jeans.

I included a couple of truck photos in the last post ‘cos they are so big. It can be quite unnerving when they are along side you on the motorways. Tonight’s photos to follow.